F2F Class Notes (Jesse)


Use the words from today in some writing. Focus on past tense!


i go to work yesterday I went to work yesterday


familiar – sth you are comfortable with / have experience with
eg. I am familiar with C++

similar – a little different
eg. I look similar to my brother


like – “l eye k”

Writing exercise

Hi Tony,
Today, a partner come to our showroom to show their new product catalog. After the review meeting, they plan to get back, they pushed the lift button, the door opened and shut very fast. He said, a short window time. It that correct?

The Chinese saying: zhong gua de gua, zhong dou de dou(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆): you will gain what you devote/how much you devote how many you gain


Hi Tony,
Today, a partner came to our showroom to show their new product catalog. After the review meeting, they planned to go back to the office, so they pushed the lift button, the door opened and shut very fast. He said, “a short window of time”. It that correct? <— yes 🙂 

The Chinese saying: zhong gua de gua, zhong dou de dou(种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆): you will gain what you devote/how much you devote how much you gain
