F2F Class Notes January 23rd (Ben)


The movie Goddess is a tear-jerker.

It’s ok,you can spoil the movie to me if it helps us review your English class. I’ll take one for the team. (=sacrifice)

What did the investigation yield? What outcome did it produce?

The investigation yielded that there was indeed enough time for the plane to turn back but only if the captain had made this decision within mere seconds after the outbreak of the incident.

It turned out that the pilot could’ve indeed turned the plane back, had he made that decision on the spot.

had he = if he had

Hindsight is 20/20 (or 50/50) = it’s easy to see and understand everything once the situation is over

have what it takes = to be competent enough

Do you think you have what it takes to win America’s Got Talent?

What does it take to be a good mother?

You need to be supportive.

A less-experienced pilot would have tried to fly back to his base, but Sully believed he had what it took to land a fully-loaded plane on a river.

Both decisions would have been a crap shoot anyway (=when you throw the dice)

Image result for crap shoot