F2F Class Notes January 19th (Ben)


on + day

On Monday, on Friday evening, on February 22nd (twenty-second)

1st = first

2nd = second

3rd = third

4th = fourth, fifth, sixth

11th = eleventh

12th = twelfth

20th = twentieth

21st = twenty-first

I was born on April 27th = twenty-seventh

until + 句子 (主语+动词)

I often sleep until I need to go.

I plan to stay in Shanghai until I want to go to Paris.

which = can be used to comment (评论) something you just said

I often go swimming to Shanghai Swimming Pool, which I like.

Many people buy things they don’t need, which I find stupid.

Jesse wants to open a new office, which I think is a good idea.

I often skip breakfast, which is not very good.


jet-lag 时差 = time difference

I just came back from France so I am a bit jet-lagged.

Spain 西班牙

the Netherlands 荷兰

confusing = that confuses people 令人困惑

The word “厉害” can have different meanings, which is sometimes confusing.

a cartoon 动画片

My niece is still a kid, she likes to watch cartoons.