F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [W]




Create a few new sentences using the examples of quality/quantity.


Tornado – a circular storm that pulls things towards it with very strong winds
Hurricane/Typhoon/cyclone/Tropical storm (weaker version) – 
a storm that comes from the ocean and brings strong winds and rain

Eye of the storm – to be right in the middle of a hurricane
Tail – 尾巴
Tail of the storm – 
the weak outer part of the storm

Quantity – how many of something/number of something/amount of something [Large/small quantity]
eg. What quantity of this new product do we need to order
Quality –
how good something is (if it is made well, strong, and looks good) [High/low quality]
eg. The quality of my new cell phone is not as good as I expected.
eg. The quality of food at that restaurant was really good.

Quality over Quantity = preferring something that has better quality rather than something that has a large quantity. (a little of a good thing is better than a lot of a bad thing) 

木莓 – Raspberry Image result for raspberry

Refund 退款 – to ask for your money back for something at a store/company (maybe because it is broken)
eg. When I bought something on taobao and the quality of it was bad, I asked for a refund.

Profession/occupation 职业– the type of job or work that you do
eg. My profession/occupation is HR and I specialize in compensation and benefits.

Plumber – a person who works on fixing pipes (usually for water in sinks/toilets)
eg. When I woke up, my water was not working so I had to call the plumber.

Razor 剃刀– something used to shave/remove hair
eg. I need to shave legs before I go to the beach.
eg. Do you not know what a razor is?

Reaction 反应– an action because of an action
eg. His reaction to watching the movie was very funny because he was screaming when it was scary.
eg. What was his reaction when he ate the spicy food?



Plumber [Plum-er]

Writing exercise


There are many discriminations in the world. I know that many companies don’t want to hire females who has married but not has a baby yet. Some positions, like receptionists and nurses, don’t be filled by males. Some people will discriminate other racial people, like Negro or yellow race. When I traveled to Pairs, I saw that many jobs which are not decently, were worked by Negro,whites don’t want to do jobs like these. I think that’s also a discrimination.


There are many types of discriminations in the world. I know that many companies don’t want to hire females who are married but not has don’t have a baby yet. Some positions like receptionists and nurses, don’t are rarely to be filled by males. Some people will discriminate other racially people, like Negro or yellow Asian. When I traveled to Pairs, I saw that many jobs which are not decently, were worked by Negro black people/Afrians,white people don’t want to do these jobs like . I think that’s also a discrimination.