F2F Class Notes (Jacob) [R]


Find one other Canadian food that you might like to try. Good luck!


Must eats – popular foods that people should eat/try when traveling or visiting a place

Ultimate (put before a noun) – makes something the best

Plate – Panzi, a round object you put stuff on

Plant – anything that grows from the grown including vegetables, trees, flowers, etc

Consisting of – made up of/made from several different things/all the parts of something

Gravy – a sauce made from meat or vegetable base

Broth – a watery liquid thats flavored of vegetables, meat or something else (flavored water/soup)
eg. The watery part of beef noodles is beef broth

Emerged – to come out of somewhere/something
eg, Jesse was in his office all day and finally emerged at 10pm.

Perceived – the way something is understood by a person
eg. You though what he said was negative? I perceived it to be a compliment.

Mock/Tease/make fun of – to make jokes about someone or something that is usually mean

Stuffing – bread that is put and cooked inside/along with some meat/animal
eg. I like to put the bread inside the chicken before I cook it to make stuffing.


Put something on your desk


Chef [sh-eff]

Plate [Pla-eight]

Plant [Pla-ant]

Bite [Ba-iite]

Ultimate [all-ta-mit]

Awesome [Aww-some]

Poutine [Pu-tine]

Emerged [Ee-merge-d]