F2F Class Notes (Jacob)




swerving – to not go in a straight line and constantly change direction (left to right)
eg. Korea taxi drivers are famous for swerving in and out of lanes.

Parallel – to be the same Image result for parallel

Vertical – to go up and down (opposite of horizontal)

Authoritarian – the governing body has complete authority

curbs – to make small changes or alterations to existing things
street curbs –
the edge of the street that separates the sidewalk and road

Majority government = one party has over 50% of seats/power
Minority government = no party has over 50% of seats/power
Coalition government = when two or more parties work together to form over 50% of the government power

Trivial – meaningless or of no value
eg. Robots will only replaces jobs that are very trivial.


He wants to be an architect so he must complete the architecture exam.