F2F Class Notes February 25th (Ben)


a dishwasher = a machine that washes dishes 洗碗机

a mess = 乱七八糟

selfish 自私的 = self – ish = who only thinks about himself

I have to clean up the whole mess because my boss is selfish and won’t buy a dishwasher.

manage 管理

a store manager 店长

a relation 关系

But the store manager and I have a good relation / relationship.

Corrections, 2nd part of text

  1. I want him to do something
    1. I want you to work hard
    2. My father wants me to learn English
    3. Do you want me to close the door?
    4. I don’t want you to be late
    5. I want you to be happy
    6. She wants me to tell lies to A.
  2. late 形容词 -> 应该有 动词
    1. I am late
    2. She is late
    3. Don’t be late
    4. Why are you late?
  3. 第三人称 应该有 -S
    1. I eat, she eats
    2. I run, She runs
    3. She likes to go shopping.
  4. play 有两个意思
    1. 弹 play piano, play guitar, play music
    2. 玩 play with a ball, play with toys, play with/on a computer, play with/on a phone
  5. 可数名词 –> a, the, 复数 或 [my, your, his, her, our, their]
    1. iPhone –> an iPhone
    2. cat –> the cat
    3. child –> children
    4. teacher –> my teacher
  6. one sentence has one subject and one verb 一个句子有一个主语和一个动词
    1. I eat, You eat
    2. I will eat, You will eat
  7. wait for
    1. I am waiting for the teacher.
    2. I don’t like to wait for people.

come / came / (have) come

I come home every evening at 6. But yesterday I came home at 9. I have never come home so late.