F2F Class Notes February 24th (Ben)


a sweet 糖果

a lollipop 棒棒糖

soap 肥皂

a candle 蜡烛

powder 粉

You can draw on biscuits with cocoa powder.

假装 pretend

Many children pretend to cry.

price, cost 价格

cheap 便宜,小气

50 yuan for shoes is a cheap price. My boss always buys cheap things, because he is very cheap


There is / There are

There are many children at my job.

There are many insects in Zhoushan.

How many 几个,多少

How many hours do you have today? I have no hours today. I rest.

比 这里 大 bigger than here

两倍 twice

三倍 3 times

The shop is twice bigger than here.