F2F Class Notes February 23rd (Ben)


astronomy  = the study of stars (星星) and the universe 宇宙


其中一个 one of them

She has 2 boyfriends and one of them is my friend.

Writing exercise


  1. 单数 还是 复数? one friend, two friendS. We are best friendS
  2. 第三人称的语气 I do, You do, He does
  3. I feel bad about the weather.
  4. 3 months ago
  5. 可数名词 –> a, the, 复数, my/your/his/her
    1. car –> This a car, I like the cars. But this car isn’t my car, it’s his car. The car in the garage is your car.
  6. 现在时 还是 过去式?
  7. one sentence has one subject and one verb. 每个句子有一个主语和一个动词
    1. what she does
    2. I know she does that is wrong –> I know what she does is wrong
  8. 主动 还是 被动 ?
    1. eat / ate / eaten
      1. I ate an apple. The apple was eaten (by me)
    2. find / found / found
      1. Her boyfriend found her. She was found (by her boyfriend).
    3. catch / caught / caught 抓住
      1. Her boyfriend caught her. She got caught.
      2. “Don’t get caught”