F2F Class Notes February 22nd (Ben)


so far 到目前为止

I have been in China for 5 years so far.

Fengxian is so far, but I like it so far. 奉贤太远了,可是我到目前还是喜欢。

most 大多数

Are most students girls?

Yes, most students are girls.

a lot
I think 10 000 steps is not a lot.


一万步 10,000= ten thousand steps

单程 one-way
回程 both ways = one way and the other way

走路,走过去 walk, on foot

I go to school on foot. I walk 10 thousand steps one-way and 10 thousand steps the other way

correct 修改

write / wrote / written 写

I wrote a text and my teacher corrected it

a difference 差别
The difference is very small 差别 很小!

a break 休息的时间

The break is 20-minute-long.