F2F Class Notes February 15th (Ben)


螨 a mite

被子 a quilt

床单 a bed sheet

枕头 a pillow

痒 itchy

My arms are itchy.

-ish = 差不多

His skin is yellowish. (=kind of yellow)

Her eyes are greenish.

This man is fortyish (= about 40)

work / worked / has worked

has worked = 时间不明确,没有结束 = already, before, never, yet (否定), until now, so far

worked = 时间明确,已经结束了 = this morning, last year, 2 weeks ago, when I was a child, when my son was 2

She has worked for us for more than 5 years. She started to work when my son was 2.

fall asleep

My son always asks us to stay with him until he falls asleep.

Has it been like this for 8 years?

That’s why. It makes sense.