F2F Class Notes February 10th (Ben)


the Netherlands 荷兰

the Mediterranean Sea 地中海

medi = 中 (middle, mid-Autumn Festival, medium steak)

terra = 地球 (terrestrial 地球的, terrain 土地, territory 领土,领地)

-nean (adjective)

sea 海

Grace Kelly was the Princess of Monaco 公主/王妃

humble, modest

an anthem 国歌

The French national anthem is called the Marseillaise, which translates as “the Song from Marseilles”

a melting pot 融合锅 = a place where many ideas, people and ethnies are mixed together

New York City or Paris are both melting pots.


a red flag = a sign of danger

A street-smart person knows to see all the red flags in a situation.