F2F Class Notes December 2nd (Ben)


popularity = how popular someone is 受欢迎度

The French president has reached a popularity of 4%. (Today, 4% of French people think he is doing a good job)

form 形式, content 内容 

When you watch a movie, the content is more important than the form.

superficial 表面的

3D effects are very superficial and do not add anything to the content of the movie.

special effects 特技

Special effects are superficial but are great for the form of the movie.

self-questioning 反省

There is a lot of self-questioning involved in the movie.

Speaking exercise

Possible responses to “Thank you”:

  • (You’re) Welcome
  • (It’s) My pleasure
  • Don’t mention it
  • Never mind
  • No worries, No problem
  • No sweat / No sweating (very familiar and seldom used)

Humanity has good and evil in it.

Humans can be good and evil.


good AT something

Ang Lee is good at digging human emotions and weaknesses.


How about your thoughts –> What did you think about it?

He is accused to –> He is accused of killing his father.