F2F Class Notes December 1st (Ben)


classic ç»å…¸ (å,形)

This book is old but it’s a classic.

World War II = the Second World War

WW2 took place from 1939 to 1945.

pay a visit 访问,拜访

I try to pay a visit to my parents every other week.

freeze 冻结

If you put water in the freezer, it’s going to freeze !

I cannot use my Alipay account, it has been frozen. It needs to be unfrozen so I can use it.

Police ! Freeze ! (=stop moving)

Image result for freeze police

claim 导致死亡

The accident has claimed the lives of 5 people.

despite = in spite of

We have decided to still go to Zhujiajiao tomorrow, in spite of the rain.

everything you say

I don’t believe her, despite everything she says.

all the things (that have been) said 

Despite all the bad things that have been said about him, he is still my friend no matter what.

In spite of all the bad things that I have heard about Brazil, I still want to go there.

strike / struck / struck (or stricken)

Lightning has struck down a farmer last night. He was walking outside, enjoying the rain when he got stricken (down) by lightning.

Many countries in Africa are stricken by war and poverty.

a maniac = a crazy person, with manic behaviour

A maniac went on a killing rampage yesterday, striking down 5 people. The doctors said he had manic depression.


You can use -ing to connect 2 sentences.

  1. There is an email in my mailbox.
  2. The email asks about the date of the next meeting.

1+2 = There is an email asking about the date of the next meeting in my mailbox.

I walk on the street, (while) smoking a cigarette.

connecting = and connected

  1. It was opened in 1994.
  2. It connected Britain and Europe.

1+2 = It was opened in 1994, connecting Britain and Europe.

It was opened in 1994 and connected Britain and Europe.

The mom walked in the street, holding her child by the hand.

The boss got angry, making everyone uncomfortable.