F2F Class Notes (Cricket)[W]***


Review and go over words and pronunciations from the Agriculture article with the next teacher.


okie dokie– alright, okay, cool, no problem, ect. it is a cute, innocent, playful, dorky expression

eg.A: I think I have to go now.

B: okie dokie


If you have no door you can’t outside. If you don’t have a door you can’t go outside.

Writing exercise

In recent years, US-Korea relations have been steady. However, with the new American president Trumpb came to power, the relations between the two countries have changed. The vice president of the USA, Mike Pence said that ear of strategic patience is over. The trigger for a broken relationship is unclear weapons, USA don’t allow North Koren to have and to develop unclear weapons because of they hope to stood a unclear weapons with their allies. What a jok! A county that strictly prohibits other country to developing unclear weapons but itself has a large number of unclear weapons. In my opinion, any country develops unclear weapons not in order to attack others countries but to protect its own country.

In recent years, US-North Korea relations have been steady. However, when the new American president Trump came to power, the relations between the two countries have changed. The vice president of the USA, Mike Pence said that era/age of strategic patience is over. The trigger/catalyst/motive/reason for a broken relationship is nuclear weapons. The USA won’t allow North Korea to have and to develop nuclear weapons because the US hopes to build nuclear weapons for South Korea. What a joke! A county that strictly prohibits other countries to develop nuclear weapons when America itself  has a large number of nuclear weapons. In my opinion, any country that develops their/a nuclear weapon/s  is not doing it because they want to attack others  but to protect its own country.


The president of the African Development Bank, Akinwumi Adesina, has won the 2017 World Food Prize. Mr Adesina won the prize and $250,000. He got the award for his two decades of work in increasing food production in Africa. He used his experience as a top banker to help agriculture in Africa. He helped to change many farming laws and made it easier for small farmers to get loans for their business. He also helped farmers to modernize their farms and the way they grow their crops. The World Food Prize Foundation President, Kenneth Quinn, said Mr. Adesina won the prize, “for driving change in African agriculture for over 25 years and improving food security for millions across the continent”.

The World Food Prize was created by the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug. He is known as the father of the “green revolution”. He helped to breed crops that produced more food and were stronger and more resistant against disease. His work helped to prevent famine in Asia in the 1960s. Mr Quinn said Adesina “grew up in poverty” in Africa and decided to do his best at school to get a good education. He got a PhD. in agricultural economics. He became a leader in African banking and was also Nigeria’s Minister of Agriculture from 2011 to 2015. Quinn said Adesina used his background and experiences to, “lift millions of people out of poverty, especially farmers in rural Africa”.


rural-wur-all /were ul