F2F Class Notes (Cricket)[W]


For a side of vegetables, meat and rice I only pay 12 yuan.

If my parents don’t have enough time I will be my own chef.

I can make difficult recipes.

I buy my food at a wet market.

Writing exercise

There are a lot of people starting everyday in the world. They are craving food, even not so much, only food is OK. However, the British government survey showed that one-third of food over is thrown away in the world which the fact is both socially and environmentally unacceptable. We need do something. First, we should improve children’s awareness of wasting food. Second, we should judge vegetables not based on the shape, but on the content of food’s fresh. Finally, many good food is thrown away because of sell-by, use-by dates labels. Come on! Don’t do it like a machine.
There are a lot of people starving everyday in the world. They are craving food, even if it is just a little bit. However, the British government did a survey showing that one-third of all food (over seven tons a year) is thrown away in the world each year.  These facts/figures are both socially and environmentally unacceptable. We need to do something. First, we should improve our children’s awareness of wasting food. Second, we should judge vegetables not based on their appearance.  Finally, too much food is thrown away because of sell-by or use-by date labels. Come on! Don’t be wasteful.

The British took a survey that showed that one third of food is thrown out each year.


produce– to make something- prah-duce

produce– vegetables and fruit- pro-duse

disaster– diz-ast-er
