F2F Class Notes (Cricket)[S]

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What is the highest mountain range in the United States?


flunked the test-bombed it- failed really bad


soccer ground- soccer field

Speaking exercise

”A” did a really good job in Math test and ”B” is also a very good student. ”B” asked ”a ”you are doing a very good job in math how long did you study after school?. But then ”A” said actually I just finished my homework and watched tv and played video games. The truth is ”A” always studies until 12 pm. And why he said this to ”b” is because he wants him to do less so he can continue to get better  grades than ”B.”

”A” did a really good job on the Math test and ”B” is also a very good student. ”B” asked ”A ”:you are doing a very good job in math …how long did you study after school?. But then ”A” said actually I just finished my homework and watched tv and played video games. The truth is ”A” always studies until 12 pm. And why he said this to ”B” is because he wants him to do less studying so he can continue to get better grades than ”A”.