F2F Class Notes (Cricket)[S]


I’m born in 2010. I was born in 2010.

Speaking exercise

Frog took a rake out of his house. Then he went to Toad’s house. I will rake all of his leaves. Toad will be very pleased. Toad looked out of the window. He took a rake out of his closet.He will run to Frog’s house. Frog went into the woods so that Toad will not see him. Toad went through the high grass so that Frog would not see him. Frog came to Toad’s house. He looked in the window.

” Excellent.” said Frog. ”Toad is out”. ”He will never know who raked his leaves”.

Toad got to Frog’s house he looked in the window and said,

”Good”. ”Frog is not there”. ”He will never guess who raked his leaves.”

Toad worked hard, Frog worked hard. They raked the leaves into a pile. Frog picked up his rake and started home. Toad push and pulled on the rake. Toad took his rake and started home. There is a wind. The pile of leaves that Frog had raked for Toad blew everywhere. The pile of leaves that Toad raked for Frog blew everywhere. They were both pleased when they got to bed.