F2F Class Notes (Cricket)[S]


limited menu- limited edition

intimate– close

eg. In asian societies the family life is very intimate.

ambiance– the mood, character, quality, tone, atmosphere

eg. The restaurant had a delightful ambiance.


He did mistake five times. He made five mistakes while playing.

If he buy a diamond to you you have to buy him a watch. If he buys a diamond for you, you have to buy him a watch.

Society expects me to have baby. Society expects me to have a* baby/have kids.

Asian girls have smaller hips so it is more difficult to give birth.

He work in Coca cola company. He works for the Coca Cola company.

I was headhunted to here. And my husband respect my career. My payment is very high than Korea. They treat me as a professional. Its near to Korea. I go to Korea one time per month. He expected I can’t survive here one year. I’m very satisfied this place. I’m planning on living here more than a year. Totally more than 2 years its okay.

I was chosen by a  headhunter and invited to come to Shanghai.  My husband respects my career. My salary is much higher than in Korea. They treat me as a professional. I like that it is close  to Korea. I go to Korea once a month. He expected that I couldn’t survive here for one year. I’m very satisfied with this place. I’m planning on living here more than a year. I could see myself living here for a total of 2-3 years.