F2F Class Notes (Cricket)[R]


Try and use the new words in a sentence.



eg. The people in prison are bad.

immigration– leaving your country to live somewhere else.

eg. I immigrated to China.

immigrant– someone who leaves their country.

escape/escaped-get away

eg. The dogs escaped from the cage.


eg. The dog dug a hole.

eg. The subway goes through a hole underground.


I work every day except to come here to study English. I work every day except when I come to study English. 

I have two work. I have two jobs. 

After this class I will have free time.


This news is from Bali. Four men go to prison. They are not from Bali. They are from Australia, Bulgaria, India and Malaysia. They go to prison because of money laundering, drugs and illegal immigration.

They escape from the prison. They escape through a hole in a wall.

Prisoners often escape in Indonesia. There are too many prisoners in the prisons there.

Difficult words: money laundering (putting illegal money into a legal business to make the dirty money clean), escape (get away), hole (a space).


writing– rye-ting