F2F Class Notes (Cricket)***


Use these vocab words in a sentence and bring next time.


nag(noun or verb)/nagging-laodao (naggy)

the act of nagging someone, someone who tells you what to do

eg. I don’t like people who nag.

eg. My mom was nagging me so I left.

eg. My girlfriend is a nag so I will break up with her.

PDA– public display of affection



holding hands


realized– figured something out

eg. I realized they were related after talking to them for a few minutes.

accessories– jewelry and other things that add to your style or outfit.

eg. My friend sells accessories. 


Nitpick –
1.My mum always like to nitpick when i wash bowls. My mum always likes to nitpick when I wash bowls.
2.Maybe someday i will like to nitpick when my children do something. Maybe someday I will nitpick my children when they do something wrong.

1.It’s really not good to gossip when we want to make new friends.
2. I had a workmate always like to gossip at work,even though he just knew me two days later. I had a coworker who always liked to gossip. He first gossiped to me after only knowing me for two days.

His parents is really traditional. His parents are really traditional.

He really looks like girl. He really looks like a girl.

I don’t like them kissing in public. showing affection

I saw two guys kissing in public.

I sawed it didn’t look normal. After I looked I realized it was a gay bar.