F2F Class Notes (Cricket)


side effects– the negative symptoms of taking a medicine

eg. One of the side effects of my scalp medicine was losing my hair!

dermatologists– a doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases of the skin.

eg.He consulted a dermatologist, who promptly diagnosed him with standard skin condition.

Writing exercise

my mom closes herself off when i talk about her disease.
When my husband talk me about to move to portugal i shut down.
When i want to choose a magazine i read the hightlines.
When i want to know what’s happen in the world i look the net and the top news stories.
Yesterday i cooked tortilla because the company of my husband offer 40 eggs.
Yesterday i cooked tortilla during 20 minutes.
I don’t need glass because i have good eyesight/ eyes.
I read the plot first before to buy a book.
Alone all day, You get/become bored?


my mom closes herself off when i talk about her disease.
When my husband talks to me about moving to portugal i shut down.
When i want to choose a magazine i read the headlines.
When i want to know what’s happening in the world i look at the internet and the top news stories.
Yesterday i cooked a tortilla because my husband’s company gave us 40 eggs.
Yesterday i cooked a tortilla for 20 minutes.
I don’t need glasses because i have good eyesight/ eyes.
I read the plot first before I buy a book.
If you are alone all day, you can get/become bored?