F2F Class Notes (Cricket) [W]


goal– mubiao- something you want to work towards completing

eg. Prince’s goal next month is to do things that she loves.

subject+time+ do+ something


I will go to bed.

preposition– jieci-

eg. Keep practising at Smart English and the prepositions will be easy.


I want to (read/look at/ check) my emails.

Writing exercise

Don’t know when to begin I am so busy all the time, I have no time to do something what I like. I have to do much work,for my client design book or poster or Logo, I am so tired every day, so that I sleep soon when I go bed.
I don’t like this situation, so from this month,I plan to see a movie every month,write a story every week,look a book every month.

At work I am so busy all the time that I don’t know where to begin. I have no time to do the things that I love to do. (I have no time for myself.) I have to do too much work designing my client’s  books,  posters, or Logos. I am so tired every day, that I fall asleep as soon as I get into bed.
I don’t like this situation. So from this month on, I will try to see a movie every month,write a story every week,  and read a book every month.

