F2F Class Notes (Cricket)***


Write about a recipe and what you have to do to make it. The steps or directions.


toaster– toast machine

oven-baking machine

pan-fry– cooking something in a pan

eg. I pan-fried a steak and added seasoning.

spate -a large number of things that appear or happen in a short period of time

eg. He has been having a spate with the law lately.


I’m inclining to western food. I’m more inclined to cook western food.

I’m leaning towards learning how to cook more western food.

Because they got Because it has cheese and chicken

We just registered last October.

Writing exercise

Nowadays drinking coffee has become a global behavior. We drink coffee when we feel tired or sluggish. In work or meetings, coffee is a vehicle for social interaction. Despite all that, we should be cautious with the amount of coffee consumed everyday, because we actually respond differently to caffeine based on our genetic makeup. Some people can metabolize caffeine fast, and it helps reduce the risk of hypertension and heart disease when consuming more than one cup of coffee per day. While for slow caffeine metabolizers, it is quite the opposite effect when you do the exact same thing. The interesting part is that caffeine metabolism can be boosted by eating more cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. In that way, the gene can be induced to produce more enzyme to metabolize caffeine more efficiently.

Nowadays drinking coffee has become a global behavior. We drink coffee when we feel tired or sluggish. In work or meetings, coffee is a vehicle for social interaction. Despite all that, we should be cautious with the amount of coffee consumed everyday, because we actually respond differently to caffeine based on our genetic makeup. Some people can metabolize caffeine fast, and it helps reduce the risk of hypertension and heart disease when consuming more than one cup of coffee per day. While for slow caffeine metabolizers, it is quite the opposite effect when you do the exact same thing. The interesting part is that caffeine metabolism can be boosted by eating more cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. In that way, the gene can be induced to produce more enzymes to metabolize caffeine more efficiently.


Twenty-eight Egyptian Christians died in an attack when gunmen shot at a bus that was headed to the Coptic holy site called St. Samuel’s Monastery. No group claimed responsibility for the atrocity, but the Islamic State attacked this Christian community last month with two suicide bombs. A survivor of the bus attack said that the gunmen wore military uniforms and masks.

Egyptian authorities added more security around Christian places of prayer since the spate of attacks. The president said that he will punish the groups responsible.

With increasing security threats from Islamist militants in Egypt, the beleaguered Christian minority will likely fall victim again.

Difficult words: Coptic (the Egyptian word for ‘Christian’), atrocity (a terrible thing), spate (many things happening at once), beleaguered (under attack), minority (a small group of people).