F2F Class Notes (Consultant)


Assignment ( the project homework given by teacher)

Appearance (what we wear and how we look including face and body, what you actually see in front of you in people)

Appropriate ( when you wear/say/do something that is good for that place or situation)

inappropriate(opposite of appropriate)

Costume ( specific dress belonging to a country or region)

Waste( not to use something well)

Bride( the woman who is getting married )

Groom(the man who is getting married)

guests (people who go to a party or gathering)

Speaking exercise

so many topics were spoken. Some sentences to review:

I didn’t get a good score in English.

I try to get to know people.

They have a lot of money to live.

I’m not usually into playing sports.

People congratulate the couple.

They took some cuties from China in the past.

I hear about other countries on the news/from the news.

celebrating Chinese festival


When we are talking about habits in the past that are no longer present at the moment in our lives we use “used to”:

I used to go to birthday parties (but now I don’t go).

I used to have less homework in primary school. (now I have way more homework)