F2F Class Notes (Ben) [W]


When he got this new job, he left the (old) company.

mad, made

pet, Pete

bit, bite

dom, dome

puck, puke

Image result for long and short vowels examples

a sheet

a beach

Writing exercise

Hi Philippe

We are understand. From now on, I don’t change the entity builder in engine. However I’d like to modify the camel and the horse in the entity builder tables for Steve review when we finish the horse and the camel rig.
But I will tell you what I changed of the entity in the engine.

If you have any questions please let me know.


Hi Philippe

We understand. From now on, I won’t (=will not) change the entity builder in the engine. However I’d like to modify the camel and the horse in the entity builder tables for Steve‘s review when we finish the horse and the camel rig.
But I will tell you what I change in the entity of the engine.

If you have any questions please let me know.
