F2F Class Notes (Ben) [S]


curvy (adj) = with curves, 有曲线的
I am not fat, I am curvy !

Speaking exercise

In general, if I found any question, I will speak about it directly. –>
In general, if I have any question, I will speak about it directly.

That’s why some people feel I’m a little trouble. –>
That’s why some people feel I’m a little troublesome.

Last time, we have less time to prepare the proposal. We just have 2 days, maybe. –>
Last time, we had less time to prepare the proposal. We just had 2 days, maybe.

sell / sold / sold = work in sales (n)
We should seld. –>
We should sell.

We should present it to client. –>
We had to present it to clients / the client.

I always prepare presentation proposal. –>
I always prepare presentation proposals.

I can’t how to write this proposal. –>
I don’t know how to write this proposal.

I think it’s not great idea. We should correct them. –>
I didn’t think it was a great idea. We had to correct it.

I know it is not correct but I write it and present it to client. –>
I knew it wasn’t correct but I wrote it and presented it to the client.

You should sells. –>
You should sell.

I enter this company is for I have room for myself. –>
I entered this company to have room for myself.

a boss manage me–>
a boss manages me

I don’t like that a boss manage me. –>
I don’t like when a boss micro-manages me.


keep silent
a temper 脾气
I had a temper when we spoke about that. So now our relationship isn’t great. We just keep silent with each other

a principle 原则
I am a person of principles. This presentation wasn’t in line with my values.

people under me 下属
micro-manage = try to manage every little thing (micro = small)
Bad bosses often try to micro-manage people under them.