F2F Class Notes (Ben) [S]


  • One of my friends encountered a bear while running.
  • Why she don’t take a gun or a map ? –>
  • Why didn’t she take a gun or a map ?


a militant = someone who strongly supports an idea
Many green-energy militants try to influence the government’s choices.

Speaking exercise

I haven’t been to Caribbean.

There are many islands in the Caribbean. This islands located in the sea or oceans, so I think it’s wet. I think some days it’s also very hot.

The people in this kind areas don’t know who to plant food such as rice or wheat, because there is no enough land to plant this kind of foods. So I think the main food eat is seafood or mango. Because they are small island, so I think the population is not very large. So there is not much armies or policeman.

And the possibility of people to became officials in the government is big.

If I go this areas, I just walk around and eat some special food and talk to the local people.

I haven’t been to the Caribbean.

There are many islands in the Caribbean. These islands are located in the sea or the ocean, so I think it’s wet. I think some days it’s also very hot.

The people in this kind of areas don’t know how to plant food such as rice or wheat, because there is not enough land to plant this kind of food.

So I think the main food people eat is seafood or mangoes. Because they are small islands, so I think the population is not very large. So there are not many policemen or military people.

And the possibility for people to become officials in the government is big.

If I went to this area, I would just walk around and eat some special food and talk to the local people.