F2F Class Notes (Ben) [S]


Stay at home –>
I stayed at home


upgrade = to improve, to make something go up a grade
update = to renew, to make something up-to-date
My position was upgraded to Sales Manager. Now, I have to update my LinkedIn profile.

dumping = selling a product for less than production prices
In most Western countries, dumping is illegal. You can’t spend $10 on an item and sell it for $8.
There are many anti-dumping laws to protect small businesses from unfair competition.

encounter = to meet, to come across
I encountered many problems when trying to finish the project.

the US = America, the United States of America

the Chinese = Chinese people

I like my parents. They are nice.

Speaking exercise

I will talk about sales conflict story.

I encount an interesting things last week. There’s a special words in sales about “cross-sales conflict”. It means I can make an examples. Someone are responsible for some area or countries. But other peoples in the same company sales products to these areas from other area or airport.

Last week, I find some products are sold to my areas from US and they sell products with very low margin. Actually, they will earn no money. You know, Chinese always as price-killer, but now I find some guys abroad are also price-killer.

I have no right to deal with it. I have to ask help from my boss because the sales is in our company in US and our boss can deal with this conflict.

I will talk about a sales conflict story.

I encountered an interesting thing last week. There’s a special word in sales : “cross-sales conflict”. It means- I can make an example- someone is responsible for some areas or countries. But other people in the same company sell products to these areas from other areas abroad.

Last week, I found some products were sold to my areas from the US and they were sold with a negative margin. Actually, they will generate no money. You know, the Chinese are always seen as price-killers, but now I find some guys abroad are also price-killers.

I have no right to deal with it. I have to ask help from my boss because the sales is in our company in the US and our boss can deal with this conflict.