F2F Class Notes (Ben) [S]


worth it

It’s not worth it 不值得


greet = to say hello, to welcome someone

My first job was to greet customers

Speaking exercise

When I graduated, my first time job at the hotel. I’m a greeter and everyday stay on the hotel gate. When some customer come here, they will tell us where place how to work and how to work in the restaurant. We can pick them up to they want to go place. But I work here very short, around 3 months. I think I don’t like the job and when I graduated, I have no plan go went to another job.

When I graduated, my first job was at the hotel. I was a greeter and everyday I stayed on the hotel gate. When some customer came here, they would ask us for directions where place how to go and how to go to the restaurant. We could pick them up to go to the place they wanted to go. But I worked there for a very short time, around 3 months. I think I didn’t like the job and when I graduated, I had no plan and I went to find another job.

go to

they want to go place –> the place they want to go 

  1. If it’s in the PAST, then every verb is in THE PAST !
  2. Every sentence has ONE SUBJECT and ONE VERB

The past of “will” is WOULD  -not ‘wanted’ or ‘can’

The past of “can” is COULD

The past of “want” is WANTED, not ‘went’

The past of “have” is HAD


work 工作 = wurk

walk = WOK