F2F Class Notes (Ben)


release = launch a product or a movie

Rich people can often see movies before they are released.

parenting = education, childcare, being a parent

Parenting is very difficult. Parenting is a full-time job, 24-7 with no day off.

strict = not relaxed, very serious, not flexible, with very strong rules

My parents were very strict. If they said no to something, it was a clear no and I couldn’t negotiate with them.

My teacher is very strict. If you are even 2 minutes late, he won’t let you in the classroom.

Chinese people have a strict approach to parenting.

a phenomenon = an event or a situation that happens

People speaking loudly is a common phenomenon in the countryside.

portray (verb) = to describe, especially in a story/movie/book, just like you paint a portrait

This story portrays a young man.

This movie portrays Mao Zedong when he was young / as a young man.

The father portrayed by the movie is very strict.

a portrait (noun) = a painting of someone’s face


whiskey  = WIS – kee

wrestling = RES – ling

I say = A

He says = EZ


He says the strict approach to parenting in the film is something people in China can easily relate to.