F2F Class Notes (Ben)


motivation = 动力 the will to do something

I don’t study often. I don’t have motivation.

recently 最近

from today 

a victim = someone who suffers from an accident, a crime, a criminal, a con man 受害人

dirty = not clean

My room is very dirty. I haven’t cleaned it for 2 weeks.

Writing exercise

A few years ago she was the victim of a con man.
He pretend to be study in the school.
Our class average age is 22.

A few years ago she was the victim of a con man.
He pretended to study in school.
Our class‘s average age is 22.


He pretend –> He pretends / pretended

I pretended to sleep. She pretended to know.

He pretended to be study –> He pretended to study

Are you in school?