F2F Class Notes (Ben)


Write a short text with all the words below.


by bike come here –> I came here by bike

I founded one –> I found one

find / found / found

I am late 5 minutes –> I am 5 minutes late

There have –> There are

I always forgot –> I always forget 现在时

How often you go there –> How often do you go there?

Which university do you go to?

The class can’t in time to start –> The class can’t start on time.

wait for someone to do

The teacher waits for everyone to arrive.

Why you said “waste of lot of time”? –> Why did you say it wastes a lot of time?

Why you don’t –> Why don’t you


treat someone to sthg

When a man and a woman have a date, they usually don’t split the bill. The man usually treats the woman (to dinner).


service 服务
