F2F Class Notes (Ben) [S]
pick up = resume
Let’s pick up from where we left (off)
Russia is accused of trying to weaken its foreign opponents.
It probably uses hacking tactics to do so.
Now, similar tactics are being used against Russia. This influences its domestic politics.
–> Russian domestic politics are being influenced by hacking tactics (that are) similar to (the) ones (that) Russia is accused of using to try to weaken its foreign opponents.
prosecutor = 公诉人
an accomplice = a partner in crime 共犯
Two soldiers and an accomplice plotted high-profile assassinations.
Edited version
When Mark Pavlyukovskyy was looking for a Chinese who knew the Chinese market to invest in his company, it was easy to find such kind of person in Silicon Valley, and Mark did find a Chinese investor. His company sold materials which could be used to assemble a personal computer.
Money from Silicon Valley has been invested into China since the country opened its market.
But now, Chinese investors are beginning to invest outside. In the USA, Chinese business have already had an effect on the area such as in real estate, energy and transport sectors.
Recently, people and companies from China are seeking for opportunities to invest in companies in the Silicon Valley. The reason why Chinese investors are fond of American companies is they believe that more innovation is coming from the United States.
Technology industries such as robotics, artificial intelligence and technologies related to the financial, health and education markets are attractive to Chinese investors.
However, the U.S. government is worried about that high-tech knowledge could be learned by China, especially the in security technology.
People like you are interesting.
People such as you are interesting.
Industries such as robotics are interesting.
Original version
Mark Pavlyukovsky was looking for Chinese who know the Chinese market to invest his company, it was easy to find such kind of people in Silicon Valley, and Mark did find a Chinese investor. His company sells materials which can be used to assemble a personal computer.
In the past, money from Silicon Valley have invested into China since the country opened its market, but now, Chinese investors are beginning to invest outside, in the USA, Chinese business have already made effect on the area such as real estate, energy and transport sectors.
Recently, people and company from China are seeking for opportunities to invest companies in Silicon Valley. The reason why Chinese investors are fond of American companies is they believe that more innovation is coming from the United States.
Technology industries, such as robotics, artificial intelligence and technologies related to the financial, health and education markets, are attractive to Chinese investors.
However, the U.S. government is worried about that high-tech knowledge would learned by China, especially the security technology.
- every clause 句子 has one subject 主语 and one verb 动词
- 可数名词 – a, the, my, or 复数
- Try to keep the same tense 时态 for every verb
invest in a company, invest in gold, invest in commodities
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