F2F Class Notes (Ben)


Write a story using all theĀ bold words

A race is a group of people who have the same skin color andĀ physicalĀ features.Ā  There are a few main races in the world, like Europeans orĀ Caucasians,Ā Blacks, or Asians.

Racists are people who believe that some races are better and more important than others. They think that their own race is the best and that other races areĀ physicallyĀ andĀ mentallyĀ inferiorĀ to them. In many casesĀ racistsĀ feel threatened by others. Racism exists in many countries.Ā Minoritiesare oftenĀ discriminated againstĀ and have problems getting jobs, houses or the same education as others.

There has been racismĀ throughoutĀ history. WesternĀ scientistsĀ and philosophers have often tried toĀ proveĀ that white people areĀ supremeĀ to others. In the past,Ā governmentsĀ have oftenĀ justifiedĀ their legal and economic system with racism. It hasĀ ledĀ toĀ slaveryĀ and even the cold-blooded murder of whole population groups. Racism has made people afraid of their leaders.


justify = show something is just, fair, reasonable = give a justification
If you ask for a raise, you must be ready to justify this and explain why it’s a reasonable request.
You didn’t come to work yesterday. I hope you have a justification.

Slavery is illegal.

an obstacle = a challenge 障ē¢
Sometimes the only obstacle is in your head.

Related imageĀ Ā 


the other cities people –>
people from other cities

Shanghainese people often discriminate against people from other places.