F2F Class Notes (Ben)


a binge = a short period of time where you do something too much, like eating, drinking, watching TV, etc.
Binge-drinking is popular amount young people. On Friday night, they go to bars and drink a lot.
I often binge-watch TV series when I like them.

a pattern = the common way you do something
Cats have a very fixed pattern: they always, wake up, eat and sleep at the same time.
A sleep pattern is always the same: 1. soft sleep, 2. deep sleep, 3. soft sleep again, 4. waking up

global = in the whole world
Coca-Cola is present globally.

prevalent = present everywhere (a disease, germs, a problem…)
Air is prevalent globally.

fatigue = a feeling of being tired
Fatigue is dangerous when you drive.

be likely to do = 有几率,有可能性
Be careful, it’s likely to rain today.
I am likely to have a dinner with my friends today, if I have the time.
TV show binge-watchers are likely NOT to sleep well.

poorly = badly, bad
He works very poorly.
Fatigue makes me likely to work poorly.

glued to = only looking at one thing
Young children are always glued to their phones and never speak to other people.

Image result for  glued to the screen