F2F Class Notes (Ben)


2 years ago = from NOW
2 years before X = from another moment

I moved to Shanghai 2 years ago and became a teacher one year before that. = I became a teacher in 2014 and moved to Shanghai in 2015.

out of = 分之
If one person out of 50 knew first aid, we could save 10,000 lives every.
4 people out of 10 live below the poverty line.

one another = each other
They really love one another. They really love each other.


validity = the time a contract/training is valid
The validity of a TOEFL is 3 years.

for one thing = one reason is
– How do you know so much about the human body?
– For one thing, my parents are doctors. For another, I graduated from medical school. And on top of that, I work in a hospital.

Use nouns 名词 first, gerunds 动名词 next. Only use a gerund when there is no noun available
I like your working –> I like your work.
I had a resting –> I had a rest.
They needed my supporting –> They needed my support.
I need your paying –> I need your payment.
Don’t make any sudden moving –> Don’t make any sudden movement.
He thanked me for my responding –> He thanked me for my response

although / but –> choose ONE out of the two !

Speaking exercise

This morning, I received a email which our India’s image quality team sent to me. It said that there was a critical issue that it needs SDC’s (Shanghai Development Center)’s supporting. And I was in the loop. So I tried to adjust the images parameter in otherwise which is one of image qualities tool.

After trying my best to do some adjustment, especially for low-density detail contrast, the images correct became closer to our competitor’s correct, like Fuji or Canon, our main competitor.

Although they still have a few gaps, but I made some screenshot to share team. With the optimized image result compared with the original image and competitor’s image in PPT, my manager response the mail quickly and thanked me for my quickly responding. And she asked India team that they would better give us customer feedback for the optimization.

And she sent another message to me. She was very proud of my professional adjustment because she can’t solve it I think. That was my value. I hope the optimization could help India’s team solve the issue.

This morning, I received an email which our Indian image quality team sent to me. It said that there was a critical issue that it needed SDC’s (Shanghai Development Center)’s support. And I was in the loop. So I tried to adjust the images parameter in Otherwise, which is an image quality tool.

After trying my best to do some adjustment, especially for low-density detail contrast, the images’ characteristics became closer to our competitor’s characteristics, like Fuji or Canon, our main competitors.

Although there were still a few technical gaps between our images and the competitors’, but I made some screenshots to share with the team. With the optimized image result compared with the original image and competitor’s image in PPT, my manager responded to the mail quickly and thanked me for my quick response. And she asked the Indian team to give us customer feedback about the optimization.

And she sent another message to me. She was very proud of my professional adjustment because she couldn’t solve it, I think. That was my value to the team. I hope the optimization can help the Indian team solve the issue.