F2F Class Notes (Ben)


science = SI – uns


opposite = O – po – zit


a plane 飞机

a plan 计划


carry out = to execute a plan
Having ideas is easy. Carrying them out is harder.

Actions speak louder than words

  1. Have a to-do list with everything you need to do
  2. Break down every task is very small and simple pieces
  3. Carry out one task every single day so your brains develops a habit.

Our society has a fast rhythm.


The work is so much to do so that you won’t finish it easily.
The work is so hard
The work is so intense
The work is so difficult
There is so much work to do THAT you can’t finish easily.

Many people pay more attention on to the plan-making. –>
Many people pay attention to the plan(-making).

Which rhythm is much more faster: Shanghai or New York? –>
Which rhythm is faster: Shanghai or New York?

so that = for an objective 目的
I learn English so that I can get a better job.
I bought a car so that I could drive to work.
I work hard so that I can support my family.

There is so much work to do so that it’s difficult.