F2F Class Notes (Ben)


I know it is the best I can write ever for all my life, I think, and that it destroys good and able work by being placed alongside of it.
Ernest Hemingway

Salt Lake mayor goes undercover, stays in homeless shelter. to get information about growing homelessness issues.

Other than blowing up a tire, I hadn’t done any maintenance.

In the era of globalization, is it important to preserve our culture?


best .. ever
This is the best thing ever !

This is a restaurant which I go there often –> wrong
This is a restaurant that I go there often –> wrong
This is a restaurant where I go there often –> wrong

–> This is a restaurant where I go often = OK

which / that = for subjects or objects
This is a restaurant that/which I like. (object : I like the restaurant.)
This is a restaurant that/which opened last week (subject: The restaurant opened.)

This is a restaurant that I go often –> WRONG. You cannot “go a restaurant”
This is a restaurant that I often go to. = OK


alongside = next to

able work = good work

a blunder = a mistake
A last-minute blunder cost them the match. = They lost the game because of a mistake at the last minute.

undercover = in a way that people don’t notice
Many police officers in airports are undercover. Nobody knows they are police.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.