F2F Class Notes (Ben)


a game console = a Playstation, an Xbox, etc.

an arcade = a place where you can play video games
The first video games were arcade machines.

rebuke = criticize someone for something they have done
My mom rebuked me for getting home so late.

a row = a loud argument

to screw (slang) = to cheat someone, to have sex with someone
The general said he didn’t want to be screwed by the President.

stand down = step down

sustain = maintain, to keep something alive
The UN tries to sustain peace around the world.
The problem with current growth is that it’s not sustainable: we are using all of our planet’s resources.
We need to use more sustainable energy, like wind power or solar energy.



–> these words are often used with the PRESENT tense

the person to do = the person who will do, the person who is going to do (formal)

The next man to speak is my father.

“Macron rebukes forces military chief to resign” =
Macron has rebuked the forces military chief who is about to resign

Timeline of events:

  1. Macron cut defense spendings
  2. The military chief criticized him
  3. Macron rebuked him
  4. The military forces chief resigned
  5. Macron is now facing a crisis.

The gerund (-ing) can express 2 things happening at the same time

I ran, thinking I was late.
Thinking I was late, I ran.
Seeing my father, I jumped into his arms.