F2F Class Notes (Ben)


an employee = someone who works for an employer

provide someone with
provide something to someone
An employer is someone who provides you with a job
An employer is someone who provides a job to you

a strong influence on your eyes –>
a strong impression

a play = a show with live actors
I am going to go to the theater to see a play with my wife.

constant (adj) = that happens all the time
We have constant rain here. It’s always raining.
In summer, the A/C is constantly open.

fixed (adj) = that doesn’t change
I have a fixed schedule: 9 to 6 every day.
‘get the better of’ is a fixed expression.

get the better of someone = have a strong victory over someone
Trump got the better of Hilary.
I’m sorry I got angry. My feelings got the better of me.


Before the speaking there is a little problem to question you. –>
Before speaking, I have is a little question to ask you.