F2F Class Notes (Ben)


a ticket booth = a place where you can buy tickets in the street

There are only 4 seats left.

On the other hand

grow / grew / grown = cultivate plants
Many people like to grow their own vegetables.

Growing crops is a common hobby.


  1. The older my grandma is, the less time she has.
  2. The older my grandma gets, the less time she has for her vegetable plot.

We decided to keep our garden uncultivated.

regarding to –> regarding
I have a question regarding grammar.

suggest/require that someone do
I require that you be on time.
I suggest that he stay at home.

I suggest that we stay here. I suggest staying here.
There is bus leaving soon. I suggest you be on it.

The law required them to return to work.
The law required that they return to work.

Oh my God, what weather !
Oh my God, what a question !