F2F Class Notes (Ben)


mute =
1. to cut the sound
The baby is sleeping. Mute the sound of the TV !
Please mute your phone in the theater.

2. to move an employee to another place
I am working in Shanghai, but I applied to be muted to Changsha.

partisan = showing too much support for something or someone
I usually read British news, because I think American media are too partisan.

light-hearted = funny and amusing
He is always so happy and makes light-hearted jokes to everyone.

heavy-hearted = sad, miserable
I was heavy-hearted when my wife left me.

a find = a finding, something that has been found

“Police leave light-hearted note after Oxford cannabis find”
= The Oxford police left a light-hearted note after finding cannabis

a plantation = a place where you grow plants
The police found a cannabis plantation.

to seize = to take something by force, to confiscate
The police seized the cannabis plants and destroyed them.


I’ve got = I have
We’ve got manners = We have manners, We are polite people.