F2F Class Notes (Ben)


crust = the crusty part on top of a cake or at the bottom of a pizza

basil = a plant with green shiny leaves 罗勒

a prelude = the beginning, the start of a piece of music
Bach composed a lot of piano preludes.
Getting fired was the prelude of a long and hard year.

in the process = at the same time
I slipped on the damp pavement and made an old lady fall in the process.

devour = to eat something very fast, to be very focused on
He was so hungry he devoured the cake in a minute.
She has been devouring this book for 3 days without speaking.

a shock = a wave created by a collision or an impact
When the rock fell in the water, there was a nice and round shock wave.

be in use
China’s homemade aircraft is now in use.

assume =
1. firmly believe in something, even without proof
I see him enter this building every evening, so I assume he lives there.
2. to take power of responsibility
The new President has assumed control of the government.



If + pasthypothetical situations 
I would/could/should/might

If I met the President, I would be happy.
If I became the richest man in the world, I could be famous.

He shouted at me as if I were a dog.
I’m so tired today, as if I’d been hit by a train.