F2F Class Notes April 8th (Ben)
There is a Thermos-bottle that brings your drink to 55 degrees, no matter its initial temperature.
He poured boiling water in a cup and waited for it to cool down. But his baby daughter tried to catch it and got scalded.
He then got the idea to create a thermos bottle that keeps water at a ready-to-drink temperature.
Don’t blindly believe everything you read online. You should take things with a grain of salt (= stay doubtful, skeptical)
feel / felt / felt
fall / fell / fallen
I felt sleepy and I fell asleep.
Welcome to the world of introverts. 内向
photograph = a picture, to shoot a picture
This photograph was shot with an old camera. We had to develop the print (film) at a photo shop.
Speaking exercise
preach to the choir
take with a grain of salt
On April 1st day, people like to pull pranks ON their friends. But you need to be careful because there are good pranks and mean ones.
Good pranks – such as disguising good news in bad news – convey a sense of empathy and usually result in endorphins for everyone involved.
Whereas bad news – such as leaving your friend in the middle of nowhere – can be pretty traumatic for the victim. The pranksters will often minimize their responsibility, claiming it’s just a prank. But in my opinion, they aren’t good friends, they are hypocrites who try to manipulate you and take advantage of you so they can look cool. In the same way, hanging a pot of scalding water over a threshold and taking a photograph when it falls on you doesn’t sound like a nice thing to do.
Throughout pranks, we can determine who our real friends are. If a friend told me to cut ties with a mean prankster, I would tell them that they are preaching to the choir, for I probably would have already done so. I would not trust that person again and would take everything they said with a grain of salt.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
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