F2F Class Notes April 8th (Ben)


the Terracotta Army

the lead actor, the lead actress 主角

the main character

a musical = a play or movie with a lot of music and dancing

a theme song = 主题歌

The theme song of that musical is beautiful.

bandwidth = 带宽,流量

皇帝 = emperor 名词, imperial 形容词

The emperor’s house is the imperial palace.

科举制度 = the imperial examination system

官场 = the official circles

In Ancient China, if you wanted to become an official, you had to pass the imperial examination system.

  • Have you heard some Chinese emperors?
  • No I haven’t because I wasn’t alive in 1911 and we don’t have any recordings of them speaking.

Have you heard OF some Chinese emperors?

Yes, I have heard of the Yellow Emperor