F2F Class Notes April 26th (Ben)


pernicious = vicious, bad (effect)

Smoking has a very pernicious effect on your body.

clog = 塞满

Don’t use the toilet, it’s clogged.

My mailbox is clogged with spam (广告邮件)

a WMD = weapon of mass destruction 大规模毁灭性武器


Smoking is a weapon of mass destruction in this day and age. Especially for children and women, the vicious air that smoking produce has a very pernicious effect on their health. Shanghai Government established a new rule in March ,which says smoking in public places which have cover are forbidden. There’s no more rooms clogged with smoke.

Edited version

Smoking is a weapon of mass destruction in this day and age, especially for children and women. The vicious air that smoking produces has a very pernicious effect on their health. The Shanghai Government established a new rule in March, which states smoking in covered public places is forbidden. Soon there will be no more rooms clogged with smoke.