F2F Class Notes April 21st (Ben)


I don’t have a dog = I don’t have any dog = I have no dog

No man has ever been to Venus. 金星 = Men have never been to Venus.

ever = ~in the future, all the time

never = no + ever

I will love you forever

I have never been to Chongqing = I haven’t ever been to Chongqing

If you ever need my help, please tell me.

No good thing ever dies = A good thing never dies.

at + speed, rhythm, rate, cost

The new iPhone sells at 7,000 RMB.

The car was going at 200 km/h.

He was speaking at a fast pace.

in 3 months = NOW + 3 months

after 3 months = 3 months later = some other time + 3 months

I will have a summer trip in 3 months and come back after 2 months.

not as much as

Modern Chinese is hard, but not as much as traditional.


circulate = move around (= make a circle)

Tea is good for blood circulation.

There are many circulation problems in Shanghai.

People at Xuhui shopping mails circulate all day long.

News travel fast.

a tavern = an old pub 酒馆

a pamphlet = a leaflet, a booklet