F2F Class Notes April 21st (Ben)


a receipt = ru -SEET 发票

reception 前台

emperor 皇帝

employee 员工

take responsibility for sthg 承担责任

You need to take responsibility for your actions.

Many people don’t take responsibility for their job.

a colleague = 同事 ko – LEEG

a college 学院 = KO – ludj

Most of my colleagues went to college.

Did you go to college?

Were you good in college?

specialty = something special (usually to eat) 特色,特产

a character 汉字

Both characters are hard to read. 这两个汉字好难写


一次 once

两次 twice

三次 three times

belong (动词)

Our company is belong –> Out company belongs

most of employees –> most employees, most of the employees

I have never been to Japan.

Japan is a place (that) I have never been to.

attract 吸引 (+ to)

Short girls attract me (主动) = I am attracted to short girls. (被动)

People are usually attracted to places they have never been to.