F2F Class Notes April 21st (Ben)


take a test 通过考试

When you take a test, you can either pass it or fail it.

take / took / taken

score, grade 分数

My score was the highest of the class. The teacher gave me a full score.

ability 能力

When I took the computer exam, my classmates realized I really had the ability to get a good score.

realize 发现, 意识到

When my teacher helped me, I realized he was a good man.

miss 缺少

I missed 2 points and failed.

16 sixteen = six -TEEN

60 sixty = SIX – ty

turn to = ask for help

If you are sad, who will you turn to?

I don’t turn to anyone. I solve my problems by myself.

anymore = 否定+ 了

I don’t love you anymore 我不爱你

Some people don’t have hands anymore